Named ‘3CODESIGN. 3R: Ridurre, Riciclare, Riutilizzare’(Reduce, Recycle, Reuse), this is a traveling exhibition dedicated to promote recycling culture and environmental sustainability. The exhibition stems from the ethical and environmental necessity that "waste turns into raw material again", putting recycling and reuse as the foundation of a circular economy. Eco-design is based on this circularity, where design and production are rethought with a focus on future generations, as a form of responsibility and sharing.
The Italian design is increasingly moving towards a new ecology of the artificial and ‘3CODESIGN’ is the best place to admire that, as it is organized specifically to showcase interior designs beyond waste. Promoted by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation and curated by Silvana Annichiarico, this event enhances the ‘Made in Italy’ and all eco-designers who have embraced a completely sustainable approach for their artistic projects.