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Architect and Designer
Stefano Lodesani
After receiving his master's degree in architecture from the Milan Polytechnic, Stefano Lodesani moved to San Francisco, California, to attend CCAC (California College of Art and Craft) and Berkeley University, where he consolidated the foundations of his career.

In 2010 he founded Stefano Lodesani Studio, which signs projects for prestigious fashion brands around the world. He also works on showrooms and exhibition stands mainly in China and Southeast Asia.

His interests lead him to investigate different fields and range from architecture to design to graphics. He signs designs for private residences, boutiques, showrooms and exhibition stands, worldwide. He is published in the ADI Design Index, and is among the finalists for the prestigious Compasso d'Oro 2018 award in the food design section.

In 2017 he also approaches the world of art with the exhibition "Confessionals" by Michael Kenna, and in 2019 with the one dedicated to Antonio Fontanesi at the civic museums of Reggio Emilia.
Since 2020 he has been collaborating with Nestart signing the projects Fooi, Creo, Ode and Zeno. The numerous experiences have led to the ability to grasp the most harmonious solution and especially to be able to synthesize it into an object.

"Design is a matter of centimeters, millimeters, trifles. The eye is trained over time until it becomes a natural instinct. At that point you can invent your own golden rule, your own sense of beauty and proportion."
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