hello world!
During the Bologna Design Week 2019, Nestart met Barbara and Dalila, two Interior Designers from the Creative studio in Mirandola, Modena. The studio space, constantly in "motion," is also used for setups and exhibitions.

The focus was on the entrance floor, an area in need of renovation for this laboratory and atelier. The challenge was to create a flooring design without any masonry work. The constraint was the few millimeters in which the product had to be concentrated, so as not to hinder the opening of the fixtures.

From on-site surveys to the drawing phase, the project was brought to life. The choice of materials, shapes, and colors started to take form, and the flooring design began to come together. The color scheme was developed in collaboration with Rossetti Verniciatura and Ap Design. The installation was carried out using a high-strength bio-adhesive by 3M.

The result is a marvelous floor composed of a labyrinth of lines, curves, and colors—a vibrant fantasy inspired by our childhood memories. Through the minds and hands of Nestart, this idea transcended time and took shape once again.

Copyright © Nestart Srl: Spin-off of Bordoni Bonfiglio Srl - P.I. 02858060359